Grass Heads
I love these supercute soggy creatures.
And what an excellent way to look forward to Ostara, in a few weeks!
And what an excellent way to look forward to Ostara, in a few weeks!

You only need socks, burlap, or some other loosely woven cloth, some sort of grass seed, a rubberband or twist tie, buttons, pins, and soil.
Open your sock or material over the rim of a mug, and put in the seeds.
Next add your soil, pushing it in firmly.

Twist the opening to tighten, lifting it out of your mug, and tie it with the rubberband or the twisty.
Trim off the excess material

Turn it over, and shape your creature how you like, and add your eyes and nose.

Keep it on a saucer or plate with water in the dish so that your seedlings won't dry out.

Soon you'll have hair!

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